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STRABAG SE to be led by Stefan Kratochwill

  • Stefan Kratochwill takes over as CEO of STRABAG SE with immediate effect

STRABAG, the publicly listed European construction group, has a new CEO: Stefan Kratochwill was today appointed to the position by the Supervisory Board with immediate effect. Kratochwill studied engineering management and mechanical engineering at Vienna’s technical university TU Wien. He then joined the STRABAG Group as a trainee in 2003. His first assignments took him to South-East Europe, where he built up the organisational structures of the Group’s construction equipment subsidiary in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro. He later managed the European track construction machinery business until 2017, when he was appointed central division head and managing director of the construction machinery subsidiary STRABAG BMTI GmbH with responsibility for 3,000 employees internationally.

  • Stefan Kratochwill not only has a long career with the Group, he has also played a key role in shaping the company’s new strategy through his intersectional function as head of BMTI. With the conversion of construction machinery and vehicles to new technologies, he is leveraging one of the most important tools for achieving climate neutrality. At the same time, he is advancing the further standardisation and digitalisation of construction processes, something that is urgently needed in view of the shortage of skilled workers in the industry. Stefan Kratochwill will seamlessly and successfully continue STRABAG’s Strategy 2030 together with his colleagues on the Management Board and the Supervisory Board.

    Kerstin Gelbmann
    Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of STRABAG SE
  • To achieve our corporate goal of becoming climate neutral by 2040, we will need innovations and new technologies. STRABAG is a pioneer when it comes to triggering precisely these technological leaps together with our partners. I am convinced that technological progress will give us an even stronger market position in line with our financial targets. The tragic loss of Klemens Haselsteiner has affected us all deeply. It is a personal priority for me and a privilege to continue his vision for STRABAG. Klemens saw STRABAG as his extended family. Starting out as a trainee, I grew up in this family myself. My promise, not only to our external stakeholders but especially to our employees, is that together we will continue on the path into a sustainable future.

    Stefan Kratochwill
    on the occasion of his appointment

The photo of Stefan Kratochwill can be downloaded here.

STRABAG SE to be led by Stefan Kratochwill © STRABAG
STRABAG SE to be led by Stefan Kratochwill © STRABAG

STRABAG SE to be managed by Stefan Kratochwill in future

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STRABAG SE ist ein europäischer Technologiekonzern für Baudienstleistungen, führend in Innovation und Kapitalstärke. Unser Angebot umfasst sämtliche Bereiche der Bauindustrie und deckt die gesamte Bauwertschöpfungskette ab. Wir schaffen Mehrwert für unsere Kund:innen, indem wir Bauwerke ganzheitlich, über den gesamten Lebenszyklus betrachten – von der Konzeption über die Planung und Errichtung, den Betrieb und das Facility Management, bis hin zur Umnutzung oder den Rückbau. Dabei übernehmen wir Verantwortung für Mensch und Umwelt: Wir arbeiten an der Zukunft des Bauens und investieren in unsere derzeit mehr als 250 Innovationsprojekte und 400 Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte. Durch das Engagement unserer rd. 86.000 Mitarbeiter:innen erwirtschaften wir jährlich eine Leistung von etwa € 19 Mrd.
Mit einem dichten Netz aus zahlreichen Tochtergesellschaften in vielen europäischen Ländern und auch auf anderen Kontinenten erweitern wir unser Einsatzgebiet weit über Österreichs und Deutschlands Grenzen hinaus. Gemeinsam, im Schulterschluss mit starken Partner:innen, verfolgen wir ein klares Ziel: klimaneutral und ressourcenschonend planen, bauen und betreiben. Infos auch unter www.strabag.com

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