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STRABAG and PORR to replace Luegbrücke

  • Extreme hillside location and short construction time
  • Contract volume of the consortium: € 217 million.
  • Completion planned for the end of 2030
After more than 55 years, the bridge Luegbrücke on the Brenner motorway in Tyrol will be completely replaced. An experienced team of PORR and STRABAG has been tasked with the demolition and reconstruction. The project, which is highly challenging in terms of construction logistics, is set for completion by the end of 2030.
At 1.8 km, the Luegbrücke is not only the longest bridge on the A13 Brenner motorway in Tyrol, but also one of its most complicated structures. On average, 32.000 vehicles use it every day. Now, after more than 55 years, it has reached the end of its service life. A consortium of PORR and STRABAG has been tasked with the new construction.
Over the next six years, the experienced team of the two construction experts will build a composite slab-girder bridge. The existing structure will be replaced by two separate support structures one step at a time. The river Sill will also have to be traversed: This will be achieved with a 110-metre-long partial support structure with pillars up to 60 metres high.

Keeping bridges shipshape

  • The Luegbrücke, a key part of the Brenner motorway and one of Austria’s busiest traffic routes, has reached its load limit after more than half a century. Our aim is to quickly build a new bridge that meets the highest safety requirements and provides a reliable connection for many decades to come, by means of careful planning and the use of cutting-edge construction methods.

    Klemens Haselsteiner
PORR CEO Karl-Heinz Strauss: “It’s essential that bridges are kept shipshape and replaced at the end of their service life with state-of-the-art structures. Building the new Luegbrücke is a highly complex and challenging project with a very tight construction schedule. The extreme hillside location presents unparalleled logistical challenges for both the new construction and demolition, and the dimensions of the partial structure over the Sillschlucht gorge are also without peer in Austria. That’s why this project can only be handled by experts with a proven record in bridge construction. As PORR, we’re pleased to be able to provide our comprehensive know-how for this project”.
Hartwig Hufnagl, Managing Director of the client ASFINAG, confirms: “Our award process was based on the best bidder principle and resulted in two absolutely proven partners in infrastructure construction who also have a strong regional connection. The construction costs of the new Luegbrücke are therefore also sustainable investments in Tyrol as a business location and living space. We bear great responsibility for safety and modern infrastructure, which is why our goal is clear: We want to start construction in spring 2025 and end the traffic restrictions at the end of 2027 with the completion of the first new bridge.”
Project type
Bridge building
Consortium STRABAG AG - PORR Bau GmbH
Project duration
03/2025 - 12/2030
Order volume
€ 217 Mio.
Order backlog

Efficiency with LEAN Construction

The work is being carried out efficiently with the help of LEAN Construction. The first step involves a new support structure being built alongside the existing bridge by the end of 2027, which will then become the Innsbruck carriageway once the bridge is completed. Traffic will be diverted to this side so that the old structure can then be demolished in the second step. Finally, the second substructure will be built in place of the old bridge. After completion, this will become the Brenner carriageway. In the future, traffic will flow over two separate structures side by side. This will increase safety and traffic flow.
Lueg bridge on the Brenner highway ASFINAG
Lueg bridge on the Brenner highway ASFINAG

Renewal of Lueg Bridge

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