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ZÜBLIN and MAX BÖGL awarded € 500 million contract for airport connection of new Stuttgart–Ulm railway line

  • Contract comprises 5 km railway section as well as airport tunnel and railway station
  • Construction start scheduled for January 2020

Vienna, 24 October 2019----A consortium consisting of ZÜBLIN (technical management) and the Max Bögl Group has been awarded the contract for the project approval section 1.3a of the new Stuttgart–Ulm railway line. The order, worth a total of approximately € 500 million, covers a 5.3 km section of the new railway line alongside the A8 motorway between the boundaries of project approval sections 1.2 (Filder Tunnel) and 1.4 (Filder Plain to Wendlingen) and also includes the new long-distance and regional station beneath the Stuttgart airport and trade fair centre, its connection to the new railway line through the approximately 2.1 km airport tunnel, and the partial relocation of state road 1204. This new project section also comprises a new connection between the new railway line and the airport curve, to be built at a later date to link the existing airport/trade fair station, including a new third track, to the Stuttgart–Hattingen railway line (Gäu Railway).

The underground airport/trade fair station will have a length of 400 metres and, like the two single-track 1.8 km long tubes of the airport tunnel, will be built by conventional tunnelling. The extensive earthworks and roadworks will be performed by STRABAG

Deutsche Bahn's plan for the airport connection of the new Stuttgart-Ulm line. © STRABAG Real Estate GmbH
Deutsche Bahn's plan for the airport connection of the new Stuttgart-Ulm line. © STRABAG Real Estate GmbH

ZÜBLIN and MAX BÖGL awarded € 500 million contract for airport connection of new Stuttgart–Ulm railway line

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Max Bögl Group
With 6,500 highly qualified employees at more than 35 locations worldwide and annual sales of around 1.7 billion euros, Max Bögl is one of the largest construction, technology and service companies in the German construction industry. Since its foundation in 1929, the company's history has been characterised by innovative strength in research and technology – from tailor-made individual solutions to high-quality, sustainable overall solutions in construction technology and ecology. With forward-looking in-house developments on topics of our time such as renewable energies, urbanization, mobility and infrastructure, the Group is already realizing solutions for the megatrends of our globalized world. Based on many years of experience and competence in high-precision precast concrete construction, Max Bögl Group also positions itself as an important driving force in the development of innovative products, technologies and construction methods. The wide range of services and the high depth of added value with our own steel construction, our own prefabrication plants, the most modern fleet of vehicles and equipment as well as our own raw materials and construction materials guarantee the highest quality. The use of BIM, lean management/production and standardised project management ensures adherence to schedules and cost-effectiveness from the initial concept idea to the finished building product.

Ed. Züblin AG
Die Ed. Züblin AG, Stuttgart, beschäftigt rd.15.000 Mitarbeiter:innen und ist mit einer jährlichen Leistung von rd. 4,7 Mrd. € eines der größten deutschen Bauunternehmen. ZÜBLIN realisiert seit 1898 erfolgreich anspruchsvolle Bauprojekte im In- und Ausland und ist im STRABAG-Konzern die führende Marke für Hoch- und Ingenieurbau. Das Leistungsspektrum umfasst alle baurelevanten Aufgaben – vom komplexen Schlüsselfertigbau, Ingenieur- und Tunnelbau bis hin zu Baulogistik, Bauwerkserhaltung, Spezialtiefbau, Holz- oder Stahlbau. Gestützt auf das Know-how ihrer Zentralen Technik bietet ZÜBLIN zudem integriertes Planen und Bauen aus einer Hand an. Wir betrachten Bauwerke ganzheitlich, über den gesamten Lebenszyklus, setzen auf partnerschaftliches Bauen mit TEAMCONCEPT® und treiben Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation stetig voran. Gemeinsam, im STRABAG-Konzernverbund und mit externen Partner:innen, arbeiten wir konsequent daran, Planen und Bauen ressourcenschonend und klimaneutral zu machen. Aktuelle ZÜBLIN-Bauprojekte sind unter anderem das Hochhausprojekt Inspire Neukölln, das US-Klinikum Weilerbach oder der rd. 2 km lange Flughafentunnel in Stuttgart. Weitere Informationen unter www.zueblin.de