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STRABAG to modernise railway line in Croatia between Zagreb and Rijeka for € 228 million

  • Upgrade and new construction of 44 km long section as well as modernisation of several stations and stops
  • Contract with a value equivalent to € 228 million, co-financed to a large extent by EU Cohesion Fund
  • Construction time: 30 months

At the end of July 2022, publicly listed construction group STRABAG signed a contract in Croatia for the modernisation of a 44 km railway line between Zagreb and the port city of Rijeka. The order includes, among other things, the upgrade of the existing track, construction of a new track, and the modernisation of several stations and stops. Level crossings along the line will also be replaced by over- and underpasses. The contract has a value of HRK 1,713 million (equivalent to € 228 million) and is mainly being co-financed through the European Union’s Cohesion Fund.

“The modernisation of the railway line between Hrvatski Leskovac and Karlovac, which is situated along the Mediterranean Corridor of the Trans-European Transport Network, will improve the transport links between the port of Rijeka and the markets in Hungary, Slovakia and Poland in the long term. We are delighted to be able to make a significant contribution to this undertaking,” says Thomas Birtel, CEO of STRABAG SE.

Planned completion of the section in April 2025

Construction is due to start in October 2022 and is scheduled to last for 30 months. After completion, trains will be able to travel along the line at speeds of up to 160 kilometres per hour.

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STRABAG SE is a European-based technology group for construction services, a leader in innovation and financial strength. Our activities span all areas of the construction industry and cover the entire construction value chain. We create added value for our clients by taking an end-to-end view of construction over the entire life cycle – from planning and design to construction, operation and facility management to redevelopment or demolition. In all of our work, we accept responsibility for people and the environment: We are shaping the future of construction and are making significant investments in our portfolio of more than 250 innovation and 400 sustainability projects. Through the hard work and dedication of our approximately 86,000 employees, we generate an annual output volume of around € 19 billion.
Our dense network of subsidiaries in various European countries and on other continents extends our area of operation far beyond the borders of Austria and Germany. Working together with strong partners, we are pursuing a clear goal: to design, build and operate construction projects in a way that protects the climate and conserves resources. More information is available at www.strabag.com.